7 Tips to Reduce anger and stress

    7   Tips to Reduce anger and stress

You may be surprised to learn that biological stress is a recent phenomenon. It was not until the late 1950s that endocrinologist Hans Selye began diagnosing and recording depression.

Symptoms of depression existed long before Selye, but her discovery led to new research that has helped millions to cope with depression.
We have compiled a list of the 7 ways to relieve stress.

1.Talk to a friend

If you feel stressed, take a break from calling a friend and talking about your problems. Good relationships with- friends and loved ones are essential for healthy lifestyle.

They are . important - when you are under a- lot of- stress. A reassuring voice, even for a moment, can put the whole thing in perspective.

2. Try Yoga

If you have ever noticed that people who take yoga appear to be less stressed, it is probably because of the effects that yoga has on the body. Yoga focuses on breathing to connect the mind and body. At that moment, your body may begin to feel normal again.

Many of the effects of yoga appear to be focused on lowering cortisol and blood pressure, which in turn may reduce the effects of stress on the body.

3. Listen to Relaxing Music

When you feel down, turn on the relaxed music so that you can relax. Sometimes listening to this type of music can lower blood pressure and cortisol levels. Instrumental sounds and natural music are among the types of music that can have a relaxing effect.

4. Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is another way to relieve stress. Just as stress can make a muscle feel tense, getting a massage can help alleviate that stress and strain.

[If you ●have ever had ♤ pain and it ○makes you◇ feel ..depressed, ]you may need the help of massage therapy at a chiropractor.]♤ Chiropractic massage is different from the massage you can get at a spa. During chiropractic massage, more pressure and strength are used to help heal certain parts of the body that cause pain. Chiropractors are trained to know what types of techniques and manipulations are best for pain management. When a person's pain level decreases, you will feel better around him. Their level of stress is also affected, which can help people to feel more comfortable. There; our bodies' feel better, as our minds do. Mental and physical contact is important so that you do not feel overwhelmed.


5. Stop entertaining people

So many people today live reasonable lives. Influenced by celebrities and social media, we are immersed in drawing a picture of perfection to make the world jealous. The social media and pop culture has created a epidemic where our values ​​have deviated, we are now more concerned with opinion, and all of that is uplifting to impress those whose ideas are indifferent. And, of course, there is a direct link between these behaviors and stress levels. It is important that you work on your values, and stop worrying about less important ideas.

reduce stress Focus on your relationship with your loved one. Most of the people you spend energy with may not be invested in you (a good thing), because like you, they are concerned about them and how others view them. Accept that thought, and in time you will be free from unnecessary stress.

6. Reduce your use of social media

Using Instagram popularity as a metaphor for measuring your success and happiness — strangely enough — will leave you feeling dissatisfied and wanting more. And this will bring a lot of stress. Social media is not true. It is a platform where-guessing 99% of people will only use to show the good in their lives that may cause jealousy. It is scientifically proven to make us feel bad, so unplug the plug from time to time and try to connect more with the heartbeat.

So disconnect from social media at a later time of the day. Some desktop applications such as Mailbird for example give you the option to shut down installed social media applications. This is a great way to focus only on the tasks (like email) you need at the moment. This is a great way to reduce stress as it depletes your brain by focusing on just one thing

7.Focus on Breathing

Just focusing on your soul or changing your breathing can make a huge difference in your overall level of stress. Breathing techniques can calm your body and mind for just a few minutes.4

The good news is, no one around you will know you are doing it.[ So_ whether _you are in a stressful meeting or sitting in _a crowded_ theater, breathing _exercises can_ be the_ key to_ reducing_ your stress].5

While there are many different types of breathing exercises, such as karate breathing, a few simple ones include:

[Breathe- $ through -your /nose -and € watch-÷ your-%  stomach fill ^-with -air. Count slowly -to -three as you -inhale the air]. Hold for one second and then slowly breathe through your nose as you count to three again.
Breathe in through your nose and imagine that you are breathing a peaceful, calm spirit. Imagine that air circulating throughout your body. As you exhale, imagine that you are experiencing stress and tension.

How Depression Affects the Body

When you hear people say, "I'm very depressed", it's because they feel the effects of stress on their bodies. Depression can affect almost every part of the body. Hormonal stress hormones trigger a “fight or flight” response in the body. Adrenaline and cortisol make your heart beat faster, your breathing faster, and your muscles tighter.

Depression can lead to:

.Happy head
.A quick breathing
.A weakened immune system
.High sugar
.High blood pressure
.Good stomach problems

. Infertility

                                BY ..sachin sharma 


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